Office Chair vs. Gaming Chair – Battle for the Seat

It’s a battle that has raged ever since the first racecar-like gaming chairs came into the limelight. Office chairs and gaming chairs have been fighting for ultimate supremacy for more than a few years now. On the one hand, every single influencer out there is sporting a snazzy-looking multi-colored gaming chair so you’ve got to have one, too. On the other hand, experts warn that a quality ergonomic office chair is always going to be better for your back, especially if you’re looking to spend long hours at your desk. The decision should be straightforward but is it really?

Let’s take the two combatants and compare them in the five most important categories when considering a chair for your setup.


Let’s get one thing out of the way. When it comes to desk chairs of any type, going the cheap route is a bad idea. Cheaply made chairs will most definitely have fewer adjustment options so you won’t be able to set it up to support your body appropriately. Not to mention they also tend to break a lot faster. With that said, mid to high-priced gaming chairs are always going to be better than cheap office chairs. If you’re looking to get an ergonomic office chair, though, you can expect to pay a far higher price. Some of these high-end chairs can go for well over $1000 but what you get in return is far better ergonomics.


An expensive ergonomic chair made by a reputable company will typically have more articulation points than you’ve ever imagined possible on a chair. This is because our bodies are all different. Being able to adjust with minute detail the level of support you get to your lumbar region, your neck, and your head is going to ensure you don’t injure yourself when spending long hours in front of your computer. Gaming chairs, though, even the most expensive ones, come with fewer ergonomic options. In fact, they all pretty much come with the standard fair neck and lumbar cushions and that’s about it. For more healthy bodies this may be enough to keep you going for longer. If you’ve got a few years on your, though, or have a back condition, they’re likely the worse choice if you can afford an ergonomic chair.


One area where gaming chairs and office chairs are somewhat tied is in quality. When you buy either type of chair from a reputable manufacturer, you’re more than likely to receive a chair that’ll last you for more than a few years. The main areas of concern are the articulation and adjustment mechanisms as well as the base and wheels. The smooth upholstery and shiny leather matter too, but if one of these aforementioned elements breaks, your chair becomes a hazard. Whether it’s a high-quality gaming or office chair, you can bet your money is paying for something that’s built to last.


When we talk about health as related to your chair, we’re mostly referring to your back and neck. Sitting down for long stretches of time is generally unhealthy for us puny humans. Our bodies are primarily built for moving around a lot. Therefore, no matter how you spin it, both gaming chairs and office chairs shouldn’t be bought with the purpose of sitting for hours upon hours at a time. That being said, the ergonomics of a high-end office chair will always outclass the cushions and incline capabilities of gaming chairs. Even when matched for price, office chairs win here by a landslide as they allow you to make finer adjustments to the support of your lumbar region and your neck.


This is the primary reason everybody has for buying a gaming chair. Let’s not kid ourselves. Plenty of streamers and creators have really cool gaming chairs. There’s something to be said, though, about the more minimalistic look of a good office chair. Especially if you keep your desk neat and tidy with very few items on your desktop, you might prefer a chair with a simple look. However, if you absolutely must have a stylish chair for your setup, then you can’t go wrong with a gaming chair.

The bottom line is this: gaming chairs offer some decent ergonomics, high quality and style at an expensive price. On the other hand, to get the most ergonomically well-built chair, you’ll need to splash out a bit more. Ultimately, you should always put your health first, and, regardless of your choice, make sure you’re taking regular standing breaks.

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