How To Paint Your Gaming Monitor

I’m sure we all wish that monitors came in different colors. But for now, we’ll need to design them on our own. And one way to do this is by painting them! In this tutorial I will talk about the spray paint method since it leaves a much more smooth finish compared to acrylic paint + brush method (the brushes can leave streaks).

(PS – if you find this a bit too risky, then click here to check out 3 alternatives to painting your monitor!)

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 can of Plastic Primer
  • 1 can of Spray Paint (you can also use plastidip – it’s essentially spray on plastic and it comes off if you don’t like it. It comes in different colors.)
  • Painters Tape
  • Thick Paper to protect the screen
  • Newspapers or Garbage Bags to protect your painting area
  • Face Mask (to prevent paint fumes from getting into lunges)
  • Isopropyl Alcohol (to clean the monitor)
  • (Optional) 3000 grit sand paper
  • (Optional) Screwdriver (to disassemble the monitor)


STEP 1: First, inspect and plan.

You have to come up with a plan first. Do you want to solely paint the Bezel? Or, do you want to include the rear and stand?

You should also check to see if they’re areas on the monitor that you should be cautious of. For example, areas that get hot easily – the paint can peel off here. Or, some monitors come with buttons set up in a way that paint can easily enter into the buttons. We shouldn’t paint these areas. Also check for any stickers (like energy-saver ones) that you may need to take off first.

Once you have your supplies and plan, then you’re ready to go!

STEP 2: Apply tape to the areas where you do not want to paint.

This would include the screen, and any openings (inputs, ports, buttons, etc.)

You can apply multiple layers of paper or newspaper on top of the screen to protect it even more

STEP 3: (OPTIONAL but HIGHLY Recommended) Disassemble your monitor

You can remove the parts that you will be painting, and then paint them individually. This is to avoid any paint going into any uncovered holes that you may have not noticed/taped up, especially if you’re painting the back.

STEP 4:  (OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED) Sand your monitor.

Have a few scratches on your monitor? Or want to have a perfectly smooth finish? Sanding can help you get a much more smooth, crease-less result. You just grab your sand paper and then sand the monitor down until it feels smooth and bump-less. Try not to sand TOO much though.

STEP 5: Clean the monitor

Use Isopropyl Alcohol and a cloth to clean the areas you’re going to paint. Be careful – do not get the alcohol on the tape/paper.

STEP 6: Prime the monitor

NOTE: You should do this part in a ventilated area.

Once the monitor is completely dry from the cleaning process, now it’s time to apply the primer! First, put on your face mask. Then, spray paint a thin layer of the primer on to the monitor, and let it sit for 15-20 minutes, or until dry. Apply between 2-4 more coats.

STEP 7: Paint your monitor

Now it’s time for the grand step – painting your monitor. Make sure you apply a thin layer – try not to go over a spot more than once. Spray paint the monitor, wait for it to dry, and then apply another coat or two. I’d also suggest waiting about 24 hours before using your computer again to guarantee it’s completely dry.

Then all you have to do is remove the tape, make any small readjustments (retouch a missed spot), and reassemble all of your computer pieces back together (if you took it apart).

If you would like to see this tutorial visually, then this video can help out (PS – It’s not mine). And here’s a video showing the PlastiDip method.

Let me know if this article was of any help!

1 Comment
  1. The link to the 3 alternatives is broken 🙁

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